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Third Annual Aurora Award Dinner Honoring Laurie Anderson

Thursday, October 9, 6:30pm

Third Annual Aurora Award Dinner Honoring Laurie Anderson

“Ms. Anderson has by now entered the pantheon of late-20th-century American artists, joining such figures as Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg and Andy Warhol. Her work captures an essential ‘Americanness’ of American art… It displays an ironic and carefully articulated  nationalism that includes references to the best –known rights of this country’s citizens: free speech, liberty and justice for all, the pursuit of happiness.”—Roselee Goldberg, The New York Times

The Aurora Award is an annual honor given to an artist who has exhibited extraordinary talent and originality in the field of media arts. Aurora Picture show is proud to honor multimedia artist Laurie Anderson as the recipient of the Aurora Award 2003. Ms. Anderson will be in attendance on October 9, 2003 at the dinner and award reception.

Laurie Anderson is well recognized as one of the world's most avant-garde multimedia artists. For three decades, Ms. Anderson has merged technology, art, politics and feminism to create new music, videos, films, performances, and spoken word. She is presently NASA's first artist in residence through 2004. Tickets to the Award Dinner are $200 each or $300 with signed book. For tickets and reservations, call 713-868-2101.

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