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Slant 8: Bold Asian American Images Documentary

Curator Melissa Hung and Filmmaker Tim Tsai in attendance

In this program of documentaries, family members hold on to each other and their memories even when outside forces try to tear them apart.

Kuna Ni Nanang (My Mother Said) | Jessica Sison
Houston premiere | 2007 | Super 8 presented on DVD | 5 mins
Meet Elena Bautista, 99 years young.

Pierre-Pierrot | Nith Lacroix
Texas premiere | 2006 | Video | 27 mins
Pierre and Pierrot are Laotian twins who were separated during the Vietnam War. The brothers have not seen each other since their tragic escape across the Mekong River. Kept apart by circumstance, they find reconciliation through the lens of a camera.

Of Love and Race | Tim Tsai
Houston premiere | 2007 | Video | 14 mins
Forty years after Loving v. Virginia, four interracial couples talk about love and race.

A Son’s Sacrifice | Yoni Brook
Texas premiere | 2006 | Video | 27 mins
Imran, a 27-year-old New Yorker of mixed heritage, struggles to take over his father's halal slaughterhouse in Queens. On Qurbani, one of Islam’s holiest days, Imran lead a sacrifice that will define him as a Muslim, as an American, and as a son.

Check out our SLANT FACEBOOK PAGE for the festival as well.

May 31

Slant 8: Getting to Nobu

June 13

Cinematexas Eulogy: Ragnarok and Ragnarol