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Objects, Matter, and the Dream State

Objects, Matter, and the Dream State
Wednesday, October 21, 6PM
Co-presented with DiverseWorks
Free Admission

Aurora Picture Show and DiverseWorks present an evening of films in relationship to Katie Grinnan’s exhibition at DiverseWorks on view through November 14. Grinnan’s work is concerned with materials, objects, matter, and the creative potential of a dream state. Dive into the surreal dream world with short films from avant-garde filmmakers that have inspired Grinnan. Grinnan thinks of her sculptures as mimicking diagrams of the fabric of space-time and the feeling of sinking into your own mind. As these filmmakers use editing, jump cuts, hand painted film and direct object assemblage techniques, Grinnan uses a network of video reenactments, objects, and images to create meta-objects and sculptures where multiple interpretations can unfold.

The Program:

Lumiere Brothers, Serpentine Dance
, 1896, 4 min, digital

Inspired by dancer Loie Fuller’s famed skirt dances, in which colored lights projected onto her billowing garments, this film was hand-tinted to achieve similar affects.


Harry Smith, Mirror Animations, 1956/1979, 16mm, 11 min, 16mm

An exposition of Buddhism and the Kaballah in the form of a collage. 


Lawrence Jordan, Solar Sight, 2011, 15min, 16mm

A question I had in mind was: what's the place of the human being in the cosmos? More and more we think about what is 'beyond.' Less and less is art concerned. I don't know why. The question seems a bit grandiose, but I approached it quite simply.

Stan Brakhage, Mothlight, 4 min, 16mm

A "found foliage" film composed of insects, leaves, and other detritus sandwiched between two strips of perforated tape.


Maya Deren, Ritual in Transfigured Time, 15min, 16mm

Choreographic collaboration with Frank Westbrook and Rita Christiani, featuring Anaïs Nin and Gore Vidal


Josh Lewis, Doubt #2, 2013, 3:00, 16mm

Vertical exposures follow the natural trajectory of the film strip, various chemicals are applied in tight quarters by hand under red light. Under these conditions, the struggle to maintain control quickly gives way to a kind of desperate religion.


Martha Colburn, METAMORFOZA, 2014, 7 min, digital

With a stop frame animation featuring dolls, sets and found footage, a theme of ‘hidden truth’ emerges; accompanied by Juan Felipe Waller’s composition “Metamorfoza”. View the Trailer HERE

October 8

Aurora Award Dinner Honoring Oscar Munoz

October 24