Glimpse: Documentary Shorts
Curator Kelly Pike in Attendance
Saturday, April 27th, 7:30PM
Location: Aurora Picture Show, 2442 Bartlett
Aurora Members Free with RSVP, Non-Members $10
Aurora Picture Show will present an evening of documentary shorts curated by local artist and filmmaker Kelly Pike on Saturday, April 27 at 7:30PM at Aurora Picture Show (2442 Bartlett Street). The screening is titled "Glimpse" and will feature seven contemporary short documentaries that experiment with the format of non-fiction storytelling. These personal testimonies, unique perspectives, and poetic reflections offer entrée into a variety of intimate experiences we'd otherwise not have access to while challenging how and why we tell stories about our lives. Expect romance on the Voyager, Finnish reindeer wranglers, cats on drugs, and the identity crisis of a marine who changed the world, among other stories. This screening is an opportunity to glimpse some of the extraordinarily complex and interesting stories of contemporary life simultaneously unfolding around us at every moment.
Curator Kelly Pike is a die-hard documentary fan determined to share her non-fiction affection with her favorite city, Houston. She is a nationally exhibited artist and filmmaker who has worked with documentarian Albert Maysles and within many arts organizations, including The Menil Collection museum. She has been the recipient of several awards and grants, including the Idea Fund, which led to the creation of Buffet DVD.
The following films are included in this program:
Marcel, King of Tervuren, Tom Schroeder (2012)
In this Greek tragedy-as acted out by Belgian roosters-Marcel survives the bird flu, alcohol, sleeping pills, and his son, Max.
Vladamir Putin in Deep Concentration, Dana O'Keefe and Sasha Kliment (2012)
Vladimir Putin's dishonorable CV is juxtaposed with all the luxury that has come to define the Russian Presidency. This highly polemical look at Putin's Russia presents a psychological profile of a modern despot.
Irish Folk Furniture, Tony Donoghue (2012)
An animated documentary about repair and recycling in an Irish village.
Catnip: Egress to Oblivion? Jason Willis (2012)
Catnip is all the rage with today's modern feline, but do we really understand it? This film frankly discusses the facts about this controversial substance.
Bradley Manning Has Secrets, Adam Butcher (2012)
The story of Bradley Manning, not as a Wikileaks 'hacktivist', but as a young American soldier simultaneously going through a crisis-of-conscience and a crisis-of-gender-identity.
Reindeer, Eva Weber (2012)
Journeying 400 kilometers above the polar circle to Karigasniemi village in Utsjoki, Finland, filmmaker Eva Weber captures the reindeer herding that has been the livelihood of the arctic's indigenous Sami people for countless generations.
The Voyagers, Penny Lane (2010)
In the summer of 1977, NASA sent Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 on an epic journey into interstellar space. Together and alone, they will travel until the end of the universe. Each spacecraft carries a golden record album, a massive compilation of images and sounds embodying the best of Planet Earth. According to Carl Sagan, "[t]he spacecraft will be encountered and the record played only if there are advanced space-faring civilizations in interstellar space. But the launching of this bottle into the cosmic ocean says something very hopeful about life on this planet."
The Voyagers by Penny Lane