In 1997, Paul Druecke, went door-to-door in Milwaukee neighborhoods
inviting people to contribute one photo from their personal collection
to his new project. This was the beginning of A Social Event Archive.
The photos were archived in the order received and presented back to
the public in exhibitions, books, and a website: ASOCIALEVENT.COM.
Word-of-mouth helped spread the invitation across the country. The
Archive holds over seven hundred photos in its collection.
Paul Druecke has exhibited his work throughout the United States. His
work has been featured in Camera Austria, written about in Art in
America, and included in Artforum's Top Ten List. His projects, Between
Sleep and Awake and The Community Courtyard, were exhibited at the
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston. His project, A Public Space: Daley
Plaza, will be published in InterReview magazine in 2007.
A Social Event is supported by Greater Milwaukee Foundation's Mary L. Nohl Fund Suitcase Export Fund for Visual Art.